#00836 Descubrimientos

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Publicado el 19/06/2011 May Pen
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  • Cat Chow

    ¡Vamos putos!
    ¡Hagan más como éste!

  • pene de angel

    Faltó ponerle “Comic automático” en el título.

  • que puaj tan divertido

  • Sir Arthur Conan Puaj v0.2 d

    Quema caca Quema Caca


  • Sir Arthur Conan Puaj v0.2 d

    Yo voto por la remake del comic anterior para que saquen los cuadros 3, 6 y 7

  • Adolfito

    Yo voto para acostarme con vos, en pija, ambos. POsta.

  • cacharrito

    la verdad que esta BASTAAANTE buena esa bacteria que tiene entre las manos. Deci que es colorado..

  • cacharrito

    bueno.. que tiene entre las piernas, EN la mano.

  • alguien

    la velocidad de la caca fue tan veloz como su eyaculacion

  • Sir Arthur Conan Puaj v0.2 d

    Adolfito soy blanco pero mi cabello es oscuro como el cielo nocturno… embadurnémonos de manteca.

  • “Re Buena” Castor sólo ha subrayado esas dos palabras, “Re Buena”. Para pensar.

  • cacharrito

    loco, actualiza!!
    River no me da una alegria,
    Mantrul no me da una algeria..
    asi no.

  • demencia

    excelente comoic….uno mas como esos y seran mas que mi mundo

  • Keep functioning ,impressive job!

  • 9/22/2016 at 17:31:53 Hello from danglekatangul

  • In my opinion, mantrul.com does a great job of dealing with subjects of this sort. Even if ofttimes intentionally controversial, the material posted is in the main well-written and challenging.

  • 9/29/2016 In my opinion, mantrul.com does a great job of dealing with issues of this kind! While often intentionally controversial, the information is more often than not well researched and stimulating.

  • 10/2/2016 In my view, mantrul.com does a good job of covering subject matter of this type. While frequently deliberately contentious, the information is generally thoughtful and challenging.

  • I’m pleased with the way that mantrul.com covers this type of subject! Usually on point, often controversial, always well-written and thought-provoking.

  • In my view, mantrul.com does a great job of dealing with subjects of this type! While sometimes intentionally polemic, the material posted is in the main well researched and thought-provoking.

  • Many thanks for the inspiring site you’ve set up at mantrul.com. Your enthusiastic take on the subject is absolutely contagious. Thanks again!

  • 11/7/2016 @ 11:39:40 In my estimation, mantrul.com does a excellent job of covering topics like this. Even if ofttimes deliberately contentious, the material posted is in the main well-written and thought-provoking.

  • 11/16/2016 @ 00:19:36 Love this site– extremely user-friendly and tons of stuff to see!

  • I’m gratified by the manner in which mantrul.com handles this kind of subject! Generally to the point, often polemic, consistently well-researched and also stimulating.

  • I completely agree with your opinion on this subject and look forward to upcoming posts and comments here at mantrul.com. Thanks!

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