Para mi que Mantrul es mejor que Liniers (igual soy re fn de bonjour y macanudo, aora salio el 8 vieron?). y de los escritores de comics argentinos en la actualidad, es el mejor (osea, a quien mas podrias poner delante, al forro de nick? ni en pedo…). conclucion, mantrul es el mejor comic argentino de la actualidad…
Pasa que Jorge_23 es un meme de la burguesa e imperialista página de Lashistorietas; nada tiene que ver con el remate de este comic, el cual refleja la soledad que conlleva la gran responsabilidad de ser Verdugo Man.
Martin, no t aga el piola que te vamo a busca con lo pibe de lafe y te vamo a picar.
Lo de 3,50 es porque Castor sube chistes que tiene dibujados desde el año del orto.
Al menos corregilo, loco… que le generas al popolacho nostalgias menemistas.
che quiero que hagan de vuelta un concurso que no sé, me derrita el cerebro. Los dejaron de hacer por alguna razón, por pajeros nada más o hicieron uno hace poco y no me fucking enteré?
This is pretty much the exact information I was looking for! I really appreciate it. I did a quick Google search and came across this page, which was obviously helpful.
Interesting topic but I’m not sure that I agree with you. Things like this have chanbged the way the web was formed and created. Is it really as simple as changing out the direction and watching the web change?
This is pretty much the exact information I was looking for! I really appreciate it. I did a quick Google search and came across this page, which was obviously helpful.
Our proficient team comprising of highly skilled web designers aim to deliver performance oriented services. They strive to build and develop brilliant websites that helps customers to build their brand online in the most effective and efficient way.
Interesting topic but I’m not sure that I agree with you. Things like this have chanbged the way the web was formed and created. Is it really as simple as changing out the direction and watching the web change?
Well, to put it simply there is no reason why this post shouldn’t receive a ton of attention as we’re all trying to represent our skills and contribute knowledge accordingly.
We are a successful software design and development company specializing in creating e-commerce Websites, iPhone, Android, and windows 8 applications, facebook applications, Internet marketing (SEO/SEM/SMO and PPC campaigns)
Interesting topic but I’m not sure that I agree with you. Things like this have chanbged the way the web was formed and created. Is it really as simple as changing out the direction and watching the web change?
When it comes to business you want ot be sure that you’ve got all your bases covered. More importantly it seems like you’ve covered the basics in this post.
We have a very close relationship with all our clients and we set very clear objectives toward reaching their goal and providing the top leading services only in comparison to much larger higher priced boutiques at affordable rates.
Thanks for that, I really appreciate the help. We have 20+ years’ experience in the IT industry especially in e-commerce and Marketing and this will help tremendously.
Your post really helped me figure out life, if it weren’t for your site I’d probably still be stuck in search engine world looking for all sorts of information. You know?
Ojalá saliera 3 pesos.
Nrai la puta que te pario, sos un liniers en potencia.
por eso te amo, igual sos un puto viejo
y vos Resorte: (?)
si me levante vendehumo hoy y?
ta $6.50 un malboro comun loco!!
ese kioskero vende puchos paraguayos de contrabando! hijodeputa!!
Miralo al degenerado como se le para el porongo cuando va al kiosko.
aguante el ku klux klan y el clu clu land de la family, lleve 3 pague 4
me pareció flojo el remate
entonces los philips deben estar como 50 centavos! mas cancer para todos, menos laburo para el verdugo-.
el remate es lo mejor
el remate es lo mejor chabon, es el arte y el corazon de este comic
no entienden nada
Para mi que Mantrul es mejor que Liniers (igual soy re fn de bonjour y macanudo, aora salio el 8 vieron?). y de los escritores de comics argentinos en la actualidad, es el mejor (osea, a quien mas podrias poner delante, al forro de nick? ni en pedo…). conclucion, mantrul es el mejor comic argentino de la actualidad…
Pasa que Jorge_23 es un meme de la burguesa e imperialista página de Lashistorietas; nada tiene que ver con el remate de este comic, el cual refleja la soledad que conlleva la gran responsabilidad de ser Verdugo Man.
Martin, no t aga el piola que te vamo a busca con lo pibe de lafe y te vamo a picar.
Ah no, era damiel. Estos pibes son todos iguales.
vaje mantruls a facebook con el link de la paguina pero nadie los leyo…. yo quize ayudar
resorte soborocoteame la MONDIOLA
mmm pelos en las axilas… sexy.
no entendi. la policia sabia que asuntos internos le tendia una trampa?
Lo de 3,50 es porque Castor sube chistes que tiene dibujados desde el año del orto.
Al menos corregilo, loco… que le generas al popolacho nostalgias menemistas.
Lagar’s… Diccionario. ¡Búscalo, chico!
Si, este lagar comete un error culografico por milímetro cuadrado…
Este lagar chupa culos cuadrados y milimetra pedos… si, comete un error.
Culo, si faltó el culo.
me cHupa la piga la orhtografia
esto es un puterio!
entre N’rai
Claudio Maria Cunilinguis
Bau super capo
estoy re afilado(H)
sexo libre
mantrul para todos!
no podes comparar a mantrul con liniers, liniers LTA y mantrul rulea
Es discutible…
No, no lo es. Andá a un foro si querés discutirlo, acá Liniers es y será una cagada.
Damiel, yooo savia, yooo savia, que te refujia con la polisia! Vamo bien alto!
che quiero que hagan de vuelta un concurso que no sé, me derrita el cerebro. Los dejaron de hacer por alguna razón, por pajeros nada más o hicieron uno hace poco y no me fucking enteré?
tal cual, vergudo man, tal cual.
Leíste ‘bonjour’? esos son los buenos tiempos de liniers. después hablamos.
El Keanu Reevs medieval, pero que en verdad es de ahora.
Cagóme en liniers, andate a un foro.
actua actua lizacióoon
tetas, a veces no te entiendo, es decir, te entiendo!
¿Son jeans o joggins lo que tiene puesto verdugo-man?
joggins, xq si fueran jeans no tendria un ilito, tendria un sierre.
si le pones un jean negro queda re malo, y re piola
AHH era un hilito?? 🙁 yo pensé que era el bulto parado
This is pretty much the exact information I was looking for! I really appreciate it. I did a quick Google search and came across this page, which was obviously helpful.
Interesting topic but I’m not sure that I agree with you. Things like this have chanbged the way the web was formed and created. Is it really as simple as changing out the direction and watching the web change?
This is pretty much the exact information I was looking for! I really appreciate it. I did a quick Google search and came across this page, which was obviously helpful.
Our proficient team comprising of highly skilled web designers aim to deliver performance oriented services. They strive to build and develop brilliant websites that helps customers to build their brand online in the most effective and efficient way.
Learn about the cycles of the moons and hte movement of the planets. Be sure to make alchemical elixirs in accordance with nature.
One thing they did say about her though was that she loved olive oil, which is why she lived so long. Impressive when you sit down and think of it.
Interesting topic but I’m not sure that I agree with you. Things like this have chanbged the way the web was formed and created. Is it really as simple as changing out the direction and watching the web change?
Well, to put it simply there is no reason why this post shouldn’t receive a ton of attention as we’re all trying to represent our skills and contribute knowledge accordingly.
We are a successful software design and development company specializing in creating e-commerce Websites, iPhone, Android, and windows 8 applications, facebook applications, Internet marketing (SEO/SEM/SMO and PPC campaigns)
Interesting topic but I’m not sure that I agree with you. Things like this have chanbged the way the web was formed and created. Is it really as simple as changing out the direction and watching the web change?
I was hoping that once it hit zero that this thread would just self implode but I guess that’s just wisful thinking. Maybe next time.
When it comes to business you want ot be sure that you’ve got all your bases covered. More importantly it seems like you’ve covered the basics in this post.
We have a very close relationship with all our clients and we set very clear objectives toward reaching their goal and providing the top leading services only in comparison to much larger higher priced boutiques at affordable rates.
Thanks for that, I really appreciate the help. We have 20+ years’ experience in the IT industry especially in e-commerce and Marketing and this will help tremendously.
Your post really helped me figure out life, if it weren’t for your site I’d probably still be stuck in search engine world looking for all sorts of information. You know?