#00439 Algo de la ensalada

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Publicado el 08/05/2009 http://prepaid365awards.co.uk/wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed?url=http://prepaid365awards.co.uk/
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  • Adolfito

    He notado que en varias ocasiones han usado a mi padre, el más grande político intelectual del universo Adolf, para la burla en sus comics y comentarios.
    No es digno de un hombre que tanto le dio, y quiso dar al mundo, que ustedes lo usen como sujeto de bromas. El fue un hombre digno de ser respetados por el resto de la vida de todos los hombres que pisen la galaxia.
    Así que para una próxima gracia hacia su persona piensenlo 2 veces antes si no quieren ser tragados por la más fria tempestad esofatica del ser Fuhrer 2012.

    Quisiera mandarle un saludo a mi primo Oski que tanto me banca, gracias por su atención y tiempo, los comics estan muy buenos! Besitos…

  • muzzalini

    yo te apoyo. renazcamos esa epoca dorada

  • Franquito

    Los pibes que bancamos la parada. Cuéntenla como quieran.

  • 9/22/2016 at 19:35:25 Greetings from danglekatangul

  • 9/24/2016 @ 18:28:21 In my estimation, mantrul.com does a great job of covering subject matter like this. While often deliberately controversial, the material posted is in the main well-written and challenging.

  • 9/27/2016 In my opinion, mantrul.com does a good job of covering subject matter of this kind. While sometimes intentionally contentious, the posts are generally well researched and challenging.

  • 9/28/2016 I’m pleased by the manner in which mantrul.com covers this kind of subject! Generally on point, sometimes contentious, always well-researched and also challenging.

  • In my view, mantrul.com does a great job of dealing with subject matter of this type! While frequently intentionally controversial, the material posted is generally well-written and challenging.

  • Good, solid content. I just sent this on 10/2/2016 to a coworker who has been doing some work of their own on this subject. To show his appreciation, they just bought me dinner! So, I should probably say: Thanks for the meal!

  • 10/3/2016 In my estimation, mantrul.com does a great job of dealing with topics like this! While often deliberately contentious, the posts are in the main thoughtful and thought-provoking.

  • 10/5/2016 In my estimation, mantrul.com does a excellent job of dealing with topics of this type. Even if frequently intentionally controversial, the posts are more often than not thoughtful and thought-provoking.

  • Well-written piece. I just sent this on 10/12/2016 to a colleague who has been involved in some work of their own on this topic. To say thanks, she just bought me dinner! So, I guess I should say: Thank you for the meal!

  • 10/17/2016 I’m gratified with the way that mantrul.com handles this type of issue! Usually on point, sometimes contentious, without fail well-written and also thought-provoking.

  • I’m pleased with the way that mantrul.com deals with this sort of subject! Usually on point, often polemic, always well-written and also thought-provoking.

  • I more or less share your opinion on this subject and look forward to additional posts and comments here at mantrul.com. Thanks!

  • Excellent read. I just now passed this on 11/1/2016 to a colleague who’s been involved in a little research of her own on the topic. To show his appreciation, they just bought me dinner! So, let me express my gratitude by saying: Thanks for the drink!

  • mantrul.com is an excellent read. I just passed this on 11/9/2016 to a fellow student who has been involved in some work of his own on this topic. To say thank you, he just bought me dinner! So, I guess I should say: Cheers for the meal!

  • 11/16/2016 In my opinion, mantrul.com does a excellent job of covering issues of this type! Even if sometimes intentionally polemic, the information is generally thoughtful and challenging.

  • mantrul.com always has well-researched information about trending topics. Will continue to visit and recommend.!

  • Appreciate this site– extremely user-friendly and lots to think about!

  • mantrul.com does it yet again! Quite a thoughtful site and a thought-provoking article. Nice work!

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