#00116 Otro superhéroe para vos


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Publicado el 17/04/2008 http://cyberblogue.com/page/6/
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  • admin

    tengo un gato en la falda y está ronroneando con intensidad MÁXIMA

  • copado para cuando no funca el encendedor 😉

  • Between me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of players. Why? Because I was happy to discover how well-designed and fun to use the underappreciated (and widely mocked) Zunes are.

  • 9/22/2016 at 19:36:06 Regards from danglekatangul

  • I more or less share your take on this subject and look forward to additional posts and comments here at mantrul.com. Keep up the good work!

  • Kudos for the inspiring website you’ve created at mantrul.com. Your enthusiasm is definitely contagious. Thanks again!

  • 9/29/2016 I’m gratified with the way that mantrul.com handles this sort of topic. Usually to the point, often polemic, without fail well-researched and also stimulating.

  • 10/2/2016 mantrul.com does it yet again! Very interesting site and a well-written post. Thanks!

  • I generally agree with your opinion on this subject and look forward to upcoming posts and comments here at mantrul.com. Thanks!

  • 10/5/2016 I’m gratified by the manner in which mantrul.com deals with this type of topic. Generally on point, sometimes contentious, without fail well-researched as well as challenging.

  • Quite a good read. I just now sent this on 10/9/2016 to a classmate who’s been involved in some work of their own on this topic. To say thank you, they just bought me dinner! So, I guess I should say: Cheers for the meal!

  • I’m pleased by the manner in which mantrul.com handles this type of subject matter! Generally to the point, often controversial, always thoughtful and more often than not quite stimulating.

  • 10/22/2016 Love the site– very informative and a lot of stuff to think about!

  • I’m pleased with the way that mantrul.com covers this kind of subject matter. Generally on point, often controversial, always thoughtful as well as thought-provoking.

  • In my estimation, mantrul.com does a great job of dealing with issues of this kind! While often deliberately controversial, the posts are more often than not well researched and challenging.

  • 11/1/2016 mantrul.com does it yet again! Very thoughtful site and a thought-provoking post. Thanks!

  • In my opinion, mantrul.com does a great job of handling subject matter like this. While often intentionally contentious, the information is in the main well-written and stimulating.

  • 11/9/2016 Like this site– very user-friendly and a lot of stuff to think about!

  • Love this site– very easy to navigate and lots to see!

  • mantrul.com is a well-written piece. I just now passed this on 11/16/2016 to a fellow student who has been involved in some work of his own on this subject. To show their appreciation, she just bought me lunch! So, I should probably say: Thanks for the drink!

  • Appreciate mantrul.com– extremely informative and lots to see!

  • 11/24/2016 In my estimation, mantrul.com does a good job of handling subjects of this kind. Even if frequently intentionally controversial, the material posted is generally well researched and stimulating.

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